Richard Schoelerman,
We have 4 main club events annually.
Spring Fling – this is an opportunity for all our club members to celebrate together friendships we have developed among ourselves in the past year through club meetings, social events, and community service projects.
President’s Swan Song Dinner – this is an opportunity to celebrate our current year's President’s departure and our incoming President’s installation into office.
Summer Picnic – we gather at a local park, usually Foothill Park, for a club picnic offood and games. Friends and family are always welcomed.
Holiday Party – we get together at one of our members’ homes to celebrate the holiday season. Additionally, every 2nd Friday of the month we gather at a members’ home for food and friendship. We also have a hiking group that meets every third Saturday for a hike and lunch somewhere on the peninsula.
Who Benefits
Our members benefit by spending quality time with other members they may not know every well to develop deeper friendships.
Why Is There a Need
Our objective is the development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service, to build goodwill and better friendships.
How Can You Get Involved
It’s easy to get involved. Come to one of our Friday morning meetings and join in the fun.