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Erika Monteverdi,

The mission of RotaCare is to bring free medical care for the relief of pain and suffering to those in the most need and who have the least access to medical care.

Medical Services have long been supported by Rotary clubs and organizations worldwide. The most prominent has been Rotary’s support to eradicate Polio through the program known as “Polio Plus”. RotaCare offers free access to immediate care for pain and suffering and referrals to other health and social service organizations that address social determinants of health.

PAUR has been engaged with RotaCare beginning in 1994. First by supporting RotaCare Clinics in East Palo Alto and in the adjacent community of Mountain View. With the rapid development of Medicaid/MediCal-funded Federally Qualified Health Centers, the adoption of the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare), and the advances in primary care services by Health Systems and County Health programs the need for the two PAUR supported RotaCare clinics ended in 2015. Yet today there are 10 other RotaCare clinics operating through the RotaCare-BayArea organization. Further, there are RotaCare organizations in Puget Sound, El Paso, Texas, Maryland, and New York. Other locations working to develop RotaCare clinics are in Northeast Florida, and in Idaho Fall, Idaho.

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The Purpose of the PAUR RotaCare Committee is to support the further successful development of RotaCare and the patients that they serve.

- Provide an avenue of service for the medical and health professionals in PAUR.
- Act as an advisory committee for RotaCare Free Clinics national organization.
- Act as a liaison with the local RotaCare Bay Area RotaCare organization and its clinics
- Act as a liaison with Federally Qualified Health Clinics serving with or near RotaCare Clinics
- Act a liaison with Rotarians active at the Rotary District 5170 level.
- Advance the development of RotaCare referrals supporting Determinants of Health
- Advise and help deploy the RotaCare program across the network of Rotary organizations nationwide.

- Conduct all activities in ways that reflect positively on all participants, Rotary Clubs, and the health care profession.

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Those most in need of medical care, and every community has found that there are right in their own community that find great value in accessing free medical care. We have found that almost every community knows about services workers, migrant workers, and homeless people.

Live in or nearby their communities. RotaCare provides an access point at least once per week so that those with the least access can have safe, respectful immediate treatment and referral.

We serve individuals and families, who are

  • Low-income 

  • Uninsured 

  • People are not familiar with how to access medical care services. 

  • Unhomed


The PAUR RotaCare Committee
RotaCare Free Clinics, Inc. (National)
RotaCare Bay Area
“How to Create a RotaCare Free Clinic” book.

RotaCare Free Clinics Corporate Structure
RotaCare Clinic Checklist (quick look)
RotaCare Free Clinics PowerPoint Overview (Fall 2022)


National Association of Free and Charitable Clinics  

Kaiser Family Foundation Healthcare Newsletter

County Health Rankings                     

RotaCare Bay Area                                  

RotaCare Free Clinics                           


For participation on this PAUR RotaCare Committee contact the Committee Chair.

To donate, see the donation button on the PAUR opening web page.

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